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Music: About

The Diaconate Ministry

The Diaconate Ministry is the cornerstone of the church. These ordained lay leaders meet with the Pastor and members in prayer. They reach out to the membership in times of distress, visit and commune with those who are ill and provide financial assistance for those times of deep need. We are blessed to have men and women who are committed to the call of Christ and prepared to be in the service of the Lord. 

The Eustace & Beatrice Thompson Scholarship Fund

Twice a year scholarships are given to members who are attending college. A small stipend is also given to graduates of all ages who are members as well as family and friends of Rejoice Ministries. You may partner with us in helping a young person fulfill their education dreams. Just click on the giving app on the website and designate your gift to the scholarship fund. All donations are tax-deductible.  

Intercessory Prayer Ministry 


Rejoice Ministries is a praying church. We believe in the power of prayer and we have witnessed God’s miracles when the people of God are praying on one accord. Rejoice Ministries provides an open line for people in need of prayer. You are welcome to join us in our Intercessory Prayer Ministry every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. You may call in your prayer request. The call in number is 1-929-205-6099 and use Meeting ID: 724 976 5649. You may also send your prayer request via our website or email your prayer requests to: 

Music: About

Church Newsletter

Rejoice Ministries publishes a bi-weekly Newsletter providing information about activities of the church, special occasions, as well as national observances.

Liturgical Arts Ministry

The Liturgical Arts Ministry coordinates the Mime and Dance ministries of the church. Our ministry is to provide expression of our faith through the arts.

Church Academy & Bible Class

The word of God is central at Rejoice Ministries. We provide opportunities to learn God’s word, to understand the doctrines of the church, and living daily lives governed by the Holy Spirit. The word of God is central at Rejoice Ministries. We provide opportunities to learn God’s word, to understand the doctrines of the church, and living daily lives governed by the Holy Spirit.

Lay Sunday

We believe God speaks to all of God’s children and God has given a message to each of us. To that end, every fifth Sunday, one of the Lay members of the church brings the Divine message. Each time the word of God is revealed, lives are changed and God is glorified.

Body Beautiful ~ Health & Wellness Ministry

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.” (I Corinthians 6:19-20)What better way to glorify God in our bodies than to eat healthily, maintain a consistent exercise routine and be aware of all the ways we can strengthen our bodies. Our ministry is designed to provide health tips, information about our bodies and how to keep them active as well as simple exercise to build up our muscles, strengthen our core. We seek to live quality lives in Christ.

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